COVID-19 Updates

Information last updated: April 2021
As personal isolation and physical distancing reduce opportunities for Albertans to get together in person, go to work and school, and maintain their daily routines we hope you, your family and friends, have the support and resources required to stay safe, healthy and comfortable. This is also a good time to think about those in our communities who may need some extra help with daily tasks, or even a friendly phone call or message.
At Inclusion Alberta, we are continuing to ensure that each and every family gets the support they require during this unprecedented time in our history.
For those students who are attending Inclusive Post-Secondary Education, our team continues to support their participation in remote delivery of classes and has come up with creative ways of ensuring students are staying socially connected to classmates virtually, a critical element to emotional well-being in this new age of physical distancing. In a few instances where students have more complex needs that depend upon physical support, Inclusion Alberta staff are providing that support when it is safe and appropriate to do so.
Our Inclusive Education consultants are partnering with families and schools to ensure appropriate planning for children with disabilities and their inclusion in ongoing learning either in-person or through remote delivery, as well as staying socially connected to their classmates through virtual means wherever possible.
For those individuals employed through our Rotary Employment Partnership, many individuals continue to work, some of whom have been offered more hours as they are working in areas essential to all Albertans, such as maintaining our food supply chain. For those who are not able to work at this time, our Employment Coordinators are providing resources to help establish a healthy routine, ensure each person has a plan for a meaningful day, are considering and accessing opportunities for professional development, and that they have access to any support they require at this time.
Our advocacy team continues to meet with families each and every day, as we work to secure the supports and services they require in these particularly challenging times, and we are in constant communication with multiple government ministries in an effort to ensure the unique needs of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families are represented.
If you are experiencing more than minor routine disruptions during COVID-19 precautions, including unnecessary changes to any funding or supports, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at our main office in Edmonton. You can contact us by phone, 780-451-3055 or toll-free 1-800-252-7556, or email,
Inclusion Alberta during COVID-19
We have adapted our operations to best serve individuals with developmental disabilities, their families and our staff during this public health emergency.
Both of our offices (Edmonton and Calgary) remain closed to the public. Staff members in both cities continue to work remotely and you can connect with them by phone or email.
We are asking all staff members across Alberta to utilize video and phone conferencing and email wherever possible.
Staff working at other locations around the province, including at post-secondary institutions, may not be on-site according to their usual schedules. Please call ahead or check with the staff member you’ve been in contact with to confirm if they are available to meet, and where, and the best way to connect with them. We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause.
Inclusion Alberta office availability may change but we remain committed to those individuals with developmental disabilities and families who need us.
For the latest details on COVID-19 in Alberta, please visit the provincial government’s dedicated web page, which is being regularly updated with health and other information,
Inclusion Canada has created a list of resources and information which will be helpful to those with developmental disabilities and their families. This can be found on Inclusion Canada’s website:
Plain Language Resources:
Community and Social Services created a plain language pamphlet for frequently asked questions on COVID-19 for individuals with developmental disabilities. You can read or download that PDF here.
The Green Mountain Self-Advocates have developed a plain language booklet for self-advocates, families, and their support staff, which we have updated to include Alberta information, such as calling Healthlink at 8-1-1.
People First of Canada have also developed a plain language information sheet for self-advocates, based on Public Health Canada’s recommendations.
- This tool was developed by the National Institute on Ageing and it walks users through assessing risk for a specific visit. It would be helpful for people trying to decide whether a particular community event is low risk, moderate risk or high risk.
- There is a 3-minute quick assessment and a 10-minute more thorough assessment available.
Inclusive Education Resources:
With the shift to online learning on May 7th, we have some information, tips and resources for parents regarding the Students With Disabilities Online Exemption: Inclusive Education and In-Home Supports.
Our inclusive education consultants created a slides for a May 12, 2020 presentation titled, “Learning at Home with Inclusion Alberta”. Presentation available here.
Our inclusive education consultants have also produced a list of resources which may be of interest and help for parents at home with students in K-12 age groups. This PDF is viewable online or can be downloaded.
Our inclusive education consultants have produced a series of resources for a presentation titled “Getting Ready for the Return of School” August 19, 2020 and can be found here:
Getting Ready for School Together (1)
PPE Resources:
May 14 UPDATE:
Medical Mask Exception Letter Now Required
Anyone unable to wear a mask due to a medical condition will require a medical exception letter from an authorized health professional.
- The medical exception letter must come from a nurse practitioner, physician or psychologist. A template letter can be found here.
- The medical exception letter may be presented when in a public setting if requested by enforcement officials, or retrospectively in court if a ticket is issued.
- For more information, and to see a list of exempted medical conditions please visit
NOTE: People who are unable to put on or remove their mask by themselves do not require a medical note for masking exemption.
June 17 UPDATE:
The Government of Alberta has released a plain language COVID-19 vaccination guide.
May 13 UPDATE:
Low Stimulus Vaccination Clinics in Calgary and Spruce Grove
Alberta now has two low stimulus COVID-19 vaccine clinics available to support persons with disabilities located in Calgary and Spruce Grove.
If extra support with vaccines is required by youth or adults with disabilities appointments can be booked at one of these clinics featuring full accessibility with low lighting and reduced noise.
To book an appointment at either of these two clinics please call AB Health Link at 811
Alberta residents who do not live in or near either of the two clinics in Calgary or Spruce Grove can call their local Public Health Office and discuss available options for extra support to access COVID-19 vaccine appointments.
All Albertans age 12+ will be eligible for a vaccine beginning May 6th. Learn more, and book your vaccine here. As such, disability support workers are no longer required to bring a letter of employment to their vaccination appointment. Disability support workers are only required to bring one piece of ID with their birthdate when they show up for a vaccine.
Starting April 30, front-line disability services workers, including those hired directly by families using FSCD/FMS funding, can begin booking appointments at participating pharmacies or Alberta Health Services (AHS) clinics in Phase 2C. Learn more here.
APRIL 26, 2021 UPDATE:
Beginning April 27th, Alberta will expand Phase 2B of the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out to offer the Pfizer vaccine to those 12-15 years of age (born 2009-2006) with ‘underlying health conditions’. For individuals with developmental disabilities and their families, the most relevant section is entitled ‘Severe and profound learning disabilities or sever developmental delay, including Down syndrome’. There are a few requirements:
Youth aged 12 to 15 must have:
- Proof of identity with a birthdate
- A signed letter from a licensed physician
- Verbal consent of a parent or guardian present. If a parent or guardian is not present, the youth must have a printed and signed letter of consent from a parent or guardian.
For more information, please visit the Government of Alberta’s COVID-19 vaccine info page here.
-Inclusion Alberta advocated for individuals with developmental disabilities and their disability-related support workers to be included in early phases of the vaccine rollout.
On March 15, 2021, the Government of Alberta released its detailed information regarding which underlying health conditions are included in Vaccine Distribution Phase 2B. For individuals with developmental disabilities and their families, the most relevant section is entitled ‘Severe and profound learning disabilities or sever developmental delay, including Down syndrome’. Please note that a doctor’s note or other proof of condition is not required to book an appointment and receive the vaccine.
Vaccination Roll-Out
Inclusion Alberta advocated for individuals with developmental disabilities and their disability-related support workers to be included in early phases of the vaccine rollout.
On March 15, 2021, the Government of Alberta released its detailed information regarding which underlying health conditions are included in Vaccine Distribution Phase 2B. For individuals with developmental disabilities and their families, the most relevant section is entitled ‘Severe and profound learning disabilities or sever developmental delay, including Down syndrome’. Please note that a doctor’s note or other proof of condition is not required to book an appointment and receive the vaccine.
Federal COVID Disability Payment
The Federal government announced a one-time COVID relief payment for individuals with disabilities. Learn more about the payment here.
As resources and funding are announced for those unable to work and staying home during COVID-19, we are asking the Government of Alberta to do all that it can for individuals with developmental disabilities, their families, and others who may be part of their support network. This includes working with the people and communities who need and depend on such services and funding.
On April 22, 2020, we met with the Minister of Community and Social Services and Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, along with representatives of Autism Society Alberta. Both organizations have been publicly advocating to help the Alberta Government better understand what is needed in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic for individuals with developmental disabilities and autism, their families and support staff. You can read more about this meeting in our news updates.
There were commitments to address the need for protocols relevant to individuals living with families, in their own homes and small group living arrangements, and when someone with a developmental disability or autism requires hospitalization and support from family or staff. The Chief Medical Officer of Health also stated she was committed to seeing Albertans with disabilities being treated as equally-valued Albertans. The Minister spoke of plans to distribute personal protective equipment (PPE) to families and continuing to work with Inclusion Alberta and Autism Society Alberta to address ongoing needs and issues relative to COVID-19.
We wrote a brief update on this meeting with the Minister and Chief Medical Officer of Health. Read it in our news updates.
On April 8, we put out a media release that again reiterated the need for the provincial government to be equitable in its efforts to support Albertans with and without disabilities during this crisis, by recognizing the additional challenges faced by individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. While other provincial governments have increased disability funding and resources, the Alberta Government is forgetting individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.
You can see this media release in our news section.
Earlier in the public health emergency, we wrote to the Premier of Alberta and requested additional resources and flexibility be made available as may be deemed necessary by families and advocates. This is particularly important in areas of education, personal care, support staff and existing and requested funding through programs including PDD and FSCD.
You can read our full letter posted in our news section, or read it as a PDF.
We also asked that the Alberta government ease the access to employment insurance (EI) and/or implement other financial measures when employment is lost or at risk, and to ensure rapid AISH reinstatement is in place for any eligible individual who loses their employment during this time.
Our letter to the Minister of Community and Social Services, is also posted to our website, and available as a PDF.
March 31: We put out a media release to reiterate our requests that the Alberta Government ensure individuals with developmental disabilities, their families and those who provide supports and services receive truly substantive and supportive government action now. You can read the full media release in our news section.
March 30: We appreciate that Community and Social Services (CSS) is providing some flexibility in the use of Family Managed Services (FMS) funds but overall we find CSS’s response falls short.
Read more about the update from PDD and FMS, including a letter from deputy ministers of CSS, in our news update.
March 25: We are pleased to see that the Alberta’s department of Community and Social Services (CSS) has responded to our request for increased flexibility in how families can utilize their FSCD funding.
“… there is room for flexibility within existing FSCD agreements to make adjustments to help meet your needs during the COVID-19 crisis. FSCD staff will work with you and be as flexible as possible. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic you can utilize community aide hours within your agreement to support respite. Additionally, as there are no ‘typical school day/hours’ at this time with schools closed, you can utilize your existing FSCD agreement funding for respite and other FSCD services during the day. Please connect with your FSCD worker regarding how to make this happen and to discuss other ways to meet your current needs within your existing agreement.”
If you find FSCD is not being flexible with respect to your needs, please let us know.
Also please note this important commitment from CSS as well:
“If your FSCD agreement has lower expenditures in certain service areas that are only due to the COVID-19 situation, this will not impact decisions regarding your child’s FSCD support needs in future FSCD agreements.”
We are still seeking additional accommodations particularly with respect to adults with developmental disabilities, their families and those who provide them with support, which have yet to be forthcoming.
You can read the letter from CSS Assistant Deputy Ministers in our news section, or as a PDF.
We are also supporting our national organization, the Canadian Association for Community Living (CACL), with every hope that the combined efforts of disability organizations will lead to the Government of Canada adding additional measures to its COVID-19 actions specific to individuals with disabilities, their families and the organizations that support them.
On April 9, we shared a letter signed by 62 such groups seeking a commitment from governments across the country and their health service that the equality rights of individuals with disabilities will be assured during this pandemic public health crisis.
On March 25, we shared a letter from 34 national disability organizations to the Government of Canada requesting it urgenctly address the unique vulnerabilities of people with disabilities and their families during the COVID-19 crisis.
See what’s being requested and recommended in the full letter posted to our website, or download the PDF.
The governments of Alberta and Canada continue to announce assistance for people who are self-isolating or medically unable to work during the COVID-19 public health emergency.
The Government of Alberta has announced a program to provide temporary financial support to adult Albertans who cannot go to work because they meet the provincial government’s criteria for self-isolation. This program also includes people who are the sole caregiver for a dependent who must self-isolate because they meet the public health criteria, and who will not have another source of pay or compensation while they are self-isolated. The money should be available the week of March 23, to help Albertans make ends meet until federal supports start on April 1. An online application will be made available on
Albertans can also defer their electricity and natural gas utility payments for residential, farm and small commercial customers for 90 days. Nobody can have their service cut off during this time. You may need to contact your utility provider.
There will be a six-month, interest-free hold on all student loan payments. And ATB Financial and Alberta credit unions are offering deferrals on loans and mortgages to customers affected by COVID-19.
For more information on what will be made available to Albertans, please visit the provincial government’s website:
The Government of Canada has announced changes to Employment Insurance (EI) and other temporary measures during the virus outbreak. Visit their website for more details, or to apply for assistance:
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, and our desire to protect the health of our donors and staff alike, we are no longer doing home pick-ups of clothing and small household items.
If you are able, we would appreciate if you could hold onto your donations until such time that we are able to resume service. Everyone who has requested a pick up through our donation team, at, will be contacted once home pick-ups are being scheduled again.
Our donation bins do remain open if you would like to drop off your items. You can find locations of the bins by heading to our page for clothing and household donations.