An Online Guide on Using FMS to Support an Inclusive Life
Family Managed Supports (FMS) enables individuals and families to hire and direct their own staff in supporting a good life.
Welcome and Introduction to this Guide
The Guide has five sections which can be viewed in order or whatever order is most relevant to the viewer. The Guide contains numerous short video clips of families sharing their experience with FMS.
The Guide has 5 Sections:
- Why Choose FMS? features videos of families sharing their experiences with FMS followed by more information on FMS itself and additional videos with families on the benefits and costs of FMS.
- Your Family Vision covers critical ideas to think about in crafting a vision and planning for an inclusive life based on a person’s gifts.
- Community Pathways highlights 8 avenues in which individuals can be immersed in the pursuit of a meaningful life of relationships, participation and belonging.
- Organizing Supports discusses the critically important role of staff while providing insights into the art of facilitating inclusion.
- Managing FMS provides an overview of negotiating funding with government and the responsibilities that come with funding.
While FMS is particular to Alberta, those interested in individualized funding and its variations might also find this Guide to be of value.
We hope you will find this Guide to be of value and please feel free to contact the Darrell Cook Family Managed Supports Resource Centre if you have questions or need additional information.