Inclusive Education

Advocating for quality inclusive education where children with intellectual disabilities are welcomed and supported in regular classrooms.
In the inclusive classroom, children with intellectual disabilities, their peers and teachers receive the support they need to be successful.
We believe parents should have the right to choose an inclusive education. Over 40 years of research demonstrates that all children benefit from learning together in the general education classroom. We work with teachers, schools and school districts to support quality inclusive education from pre-school to high school. Our inclusive education consultants are available to work directly with teachers in their classrooms to help adapt and modify curriculum or instruction and Inclusion Alberta provides workshops and in-services on inclusive education. We also have with a vast array of free inclusive education resources.
If families encounter poor quality inclusive education or resistance, Inclusion Alberta is available to provide advocacy resources for as long as it takes to ensure a successful outcome.
Please contact us for more information: | 1-800-252-7556
Check out our Connections blog, “Tips for Achieving an Inclusive K-12 Education”
Learn more at Inclusive Education Canada