Inclusion Alberta Virtual Family Conference 2021, April 16 & 17. Families, the heart of community

Registration now open for the Inclusion Alberta Virtual Family Conference 2021

February 2, 2021

Inclusion Alberta presents its 1st ever Virtual Family Conference April 16-17, 2021! The conference is a time for families, educators and service providers from all over the province to deepen their knowledge and commitment to assisting children and adults with developmental disabilities to live fully inclusive and meaningful lives in their community. The Conference is the largest and longest standing of its kind in the world, with over 800 people attending in the past.

The conference features morning workshops on Friday from feature speakers Dr. Paula Kluth and Janet Klees, a variety of morning and afternoon sessions to choose from on Saturday and Youth for Inclusion, a workshop for youth aged 16-22. In addition to the workshops and sessions listed, the Virtual Family Conference will also offer several fun opportunities for you to socialize, network and build relationships and connections with Conference attendees as well as speakers.

Click to learn more.