Inclusive Post-Secondary Education at Olds College

Olds College Now Offering Inclusive Post-Secondary Education

May 6, 2021

Inclusion Alberta is excited to announce Olds College as our latest partner in providing Inclusive Post-Secondary Education in the Central Alberta area. Olds College will begin accepting students in fall 2021 and prospective students with developmental disabilities are encouraged to contact Inclusion Alberta’s Inclusive Post-Secondary Education team for more information.

“As a parent of a teen with a developmental disability, I am so very happy to learn of the new Inclusive Post-Secondary Initiative at Olds College,” says Central Alberta resident Dawne Hammerschmidt. “This opens up so many more possibilities that were not previously available and breaks down some of the barriers we face. It is exciting to me and my family that this is happening in Central Alberta so close to home.”

Olds College is a vibrant campus with unique program offerings such as Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Science, Brewmaster and Brewery Operations Management. Those who don’t live in Olds can learn more about what living in college housing at Olds College is like here.

About Inclusive Post-Secondary Education in Alberta: Inclusion Alberta has been partnering with post-secondary institutions across the province for more than 30 years to include students with developmental disabilities to participate in regular programs of study and campus life.

Currently there are more than 20 post-secondary institutions that include students with developmental disabilities in pursuit of higher education whilst achieving their dreams and goals. Alberta has more post-secondary institutions providing fully inclusive post-secondary opportunities for students with developmental disabilities than any other jurisdiction in the world. On average, the employment outcome for students completing their studies is between 70-80% (versus an up to 80% unemployment rate for individuals with developmental disabilities in Alberta). Learn more about Inclusive Post-Secondary Education.

For more information about the opportunities at Olds College in fall 2021, please contact Inclusion Alberta’s Inclusive Post-Secondary Education team!