2023 Inclusion Alberta Awards Nominations Open
We take time every year to recognize those in Alberta who are creating inclusive communities. We hope you’ll share with us those individuals and organizations you know who are making a difference, by nominating them for one of our awards. Categories are for community inclusion, leadership, long-term voluntary contribution and the National Inclusive Education Award. See a list of our 2022 award winners here!
Deadline for submissions is February 28.
2023 Award Descriptions (PDF)
Community Inclusion Award:
The Community Inclusion Award is given to individuals or organizations in Alberta whose actions on a day-to-day basis result in children or adults with developmental disabilities having increased opportunities to be included in community life. 2023 Community Inclusion Nomination Form
Bruce Uditsky Leadership Award:
The Bruce Uditsky Leadership Award is the most prestigious award presented by Inclusion Alberta. It is only presented when an individual or organization truly demonstrates exemplary leadership in advancing the full inclusion of individuals with developmental disabilities. It is awarded to individuals or groups whose inspirational leadership efforts have made an invaluable and lasting difference to Albertans. 2023 Bruce Uditsky Leadership Award Nomination Form
National Inclusive Education Award:
The National Inclusive Education Award is an initiative organized by Inclusion Canada and its provincial and territorial member associations. The award for Alberta is provided jointly by Inclusion Canada and Inclusion Alberta, with acknowledgement from Alberta Education, to honour a teacher, administrator, school or school district whose commitment to inclusive education is exemplary and deserving of recognition. The award is an opportunity for an Alberta school or school district to receive national and provincial recognition for their efforts in ensuring every child is welcomed and included. Please consider nominating a teacher, administrator, school or school district in Alberta that has demonstrated dedication for inclusive education. 2023 National Inclusive Education Award Description. 2023 National Inclusive Education Award Nomination Form
Colonel Eric W. and Dr. Barbara V. Cormack Memorial Award:
The Colonel Eric W. and Dr. Barbara V. Cormack Memorial Award is given to an Alberta resident who has made an outstanding, long-term voluntary contribution to serving the interests of people with developmental disabilities and their families. 2023 Cormack Award Nomination Form