2024 Inclusion Alberta Family Conference

Thank you to all who joined us for the 2024 Inclusion Alberta Family Conference, April 12-13 in Edmonton!


Inclusion Alberta presents its 2024 Family Conference April 12-13 at the Fantasyland Hotel in Edmonton, AB! The Conference is a time for individuals with intellectual disabilities, their families, allies and support staff as well as those working in the disability and education fields to come together and learn from keynote speakers and other experienced families. It’s a great opportunity to deepen your knowledge and commitment to assisting children and adults with intellectual disabilities to live fully inclusive and meaningful lives in their community. The Conference is the largest and longest standing of its kind in the world and offers fully-inclusive onsite child and teen care so parents and guardians can enjoy the Conference worry-free.

The Conference features two full-day workshops on Friday: Toby Karten’s ‘Designing instruction in inclusive classrooms from K-12 and Doug Crandell‘s Customized employment using evidencebased practices and a variety of morning and afternoon sessions to choose from on Saturday.

View the 2024 Inclusion Alberta Family Conference schedule & directory.

In addition to the workshops and sessions listed, the Inclusion Alberta Family Conference offers several fun opportunities for you to socialize, network and build relationships and connections with other attendees as well as speakers, including at Friday night’s President’s Reception and Saturday evening’s Family Dance Celebration. Check out the full Conference brochure here.

TICKET OPTIONS: There are several ticket options available, for either a full Conference or single day experience and family or individual options. Discounted Early Bird ticket pricing is in effect until February 29th.

Buy tickets here on eventbrite

YOUTH FOR INCLUSION: Youth aged 16-22, with or without disabilities, committed to social justice, action, advocacy and inclusion are invited to join us Saturday, April 13th for a full day workshop!

Tickets are $30 and lunch is provided. Space is limited so please register early.

CHILDCARE/TEEN CLUB: Onsite fully-inclusive child care/Teen Club programming is available and can be purchased for $25/day per child/teen as an ‘add-on’ to your ticket.

HOTEL INFORMATION: For attendees coming from out of town and needing a hotel, Inclusion Alberta has secured special Conference pricing at the Fantasyland Hotel. For rates and reservations, please call the hotel at 1-800-737-3783. Callers must mention that they are attending the ‘Inclusion Alberta Conference’ to receive the negotiated rate or provide the group code number 3731028 by March 12th, 2024.

GRANT APPLICATION: Inclusion Alberta has a limited number of grants available to individuals and families to assist with costs associated with attending the conference. Grant applications can be submitted online here.

**If you are applying for a grant, please do not purchase your conference ticket(s) yet. Grant application deadline: February 29, 2024. Applicants will be notified of their grant status by March 8, 2024.

BARRIER-FREE CONFERENCE EXPERIENCE: Please contact info@inclusionalberta.org if you require assistance or are experiencing any barriers in attending the Inclusion Alberta Family Conference, in areas such as (but not limited to) access to technology required to register for the Conference or financial barriers limiting your ability to cover Conference fees. Apply for a Family Conference grant here.

GROUP PRICING: Group pricing is available for Friday’s workshops at the rate of 3 registrations for the price of 2. Please contact info@inclusionalberta.org for group pricing inquiries.

The 2024 Inclusion Alberta Family Conference uses Sched as a management tool and to enhance attendee experience. As an attendee you can create a Sched account, create and manage your own session schedule, receive up-to-date Conference info, access session handouts and connect with other attendees and speakers. Download the Sched mobile app for Apple or Android.